
苣荬菜Sonchus arvensis Linn.

苣荬菜Sonchus arvensis Linn.


科名:菊科 Compositae

属名:苦苣菜属 Sonchus

  Sonchus arvensis L., Sp. Pl. 793. 1753; DC., Prodr. 7: 187. 1838; Ledeb., Fl. Ross. 2: 835. 1845-1846; Forbes et Hemsl. in Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 23: 487. 1888; Komar. in Act. Hort. Petrop. 25: 775, 1907; Chen in Bull. Fan Mem. Inst. Biol. Bot. 5: 102. 1934; Chang in Bull. Fan Mem. Inst. Biol. Bot. 5: 319. 1934 et in Sunyats. 3: 303. 1934; Hand. -Mazz., Symb. Sin. 7: 1179. 1936; Kitam. in Act. Phytotax. Geobot. 10: 28.1941; 裴鉴等, 江苏南部种子植物手册807. 1959; Kirp. in Fl. URSS 29: 249. 1964; S. Y. Hu in Quart. Journ. Taiwan Mus. 21 (3-4): 162. 1968; Boulos in Bot. Notis. 126: 180.1973; 秦岭植物志1(5): 401-1985.——Hieracium arvense Scop., Fl. Varniol. ed. 2. 2: 0. 1772. ——Sonchus hispidus Gilib., Fl. Lithuan. 3: 241. 1781. ——S. wightianus DC., Prodr. 7: 187. 1838; Bolus in Bot. Notis. 126: 185. 1973——S. picris Levl. et Vaniot in Fedde, Rep. Sp. Nov. 8: 451. 1910 et Fl. Kouy-Tcheou 108. 1914.
  多年生草本。根垂直直伸,多少有根状茎。茎直立,高30-150厘米,有细条纹,上部或顶部有伞房状花序分枝,花序分枝与花序梗被稠密的头状具柄的腺毛。基生叶多数,与中下部茎叶全形倒披针形或长椭圆形,羽状或倒向羽状深裂、半裂或浅裂,全长6-24厘米,高1. 5-6厘米,侧裂片2-5对,偏斜半椭圆形、椭圆形、卵形、偏斜卵形、偏斜三角形、半圆形或耳状,顶裂片稍大,长卵形、椭圆形或长卵状椭圆形;全部叶裂片边缘有小锯齿或无锯齿而有小尖头;上部茎叶及接花序分枝下部的叶披针形或线钻形,小或极小;全部叶基部渐窄成长或短翼柄,但中部以上茎叶无柄,基部圆耳状扩大半抱茎,顶端急尖、短渐尖或钝,两面光滑无毛。头状花序在茎枝顶端排成伞房状花序。总苞钟状,长1-1-5厘米,宽0.8-1厘米,基部有稀疏或稍稠密的长或短绒毛。总苞片3层,外层披针形,长4-6毫米,宽1-1. 5毫米,中内层披针形,长达1.5厘米,宽3毫米;全部总苞片顶端长渐尖,外面沿中脉有1行头状具柄的腺毛。舌状小花多数,黄色。瘦果稍压扁,长椭圆形,长3.7-4毫米,宽0.8-1毫米,每面有5条细肋,肋间有横皱纹。冠毛白色,长1.5厘米,柔软,彼此纠缠,基部连合成环。花果期1-9月。
  分布陕西(沔县)、宁夏(银川)、新疆(乌鲁木齐、塔城)、福建(连城)、湖北(竹溪)、湖南(龙山)、广西(百色)、四川(南川、泸定、峨眉、成都)、云南(昆明)、贵州(平坝、望谟)、西藏(察隅、聂拉木)。生于山坡草地、林间草地、潮湿地或近水旁、村边或河边砾石滩,海拔300-2 300米。几遍全球分布。模式标本采自欧洲。

《Flora of China》 Vol. 20-21 (2011)
2. Sonchus wightianus Candolle, Prodr. 7: 187. 1838.
苣荬菜 ju mai cai Sonchus lingianus C. Shih; S. picris H. Léveillé & Vaniot; S. wallichianus Candolle; S. wightianus subsp. wallichianus (Candolle) Boulos.
Herbs 30-150 cm tall, perennial, with a taproot. Stem branched from base or higher, glabrous below synflorescence. Basal and lower stem leaves oblanceolate to elliptic, 6-24 × 1.5-6 cm, undivided or pinnatifid to pinnatipartite, glabrous, base narrowed (in basal leaves) to auriculately clasping (in lower stem leaves), margin denticulate to mucronulately dentate, apex obtuse to acute; lateral lobes if present 2-5 pairs, lanceolate, ovate, semiorbicular, or sometimes triangular-ovate; terminal lobe narrowly ovate to elliptic, ± large, apex obtuse to acuminate. Middle and upper stem leaves elliptic to lanceolate, smaller, otherwise similar to lower leaves. Synflorescence corymbiform, with several to many capitula. Capitula with very many (usually 180-300) florets; peduncle slender, apically white tomentose, densely glandular hairy or non-glandular. Involucre broadly campanulate, 1.2-1.5 cm, base ± white villous to tomentulose and glandular hairy or not. Phyllaries with or without glandular hairs, apex long acuminate; outer phyllaries lanceolate, 1-1.5 mm wide. Corolla 1.2-1.4 cm. Achene narrowly ellipsoid, 3.5-4.5 mm, moderately compressed, ± elliptic in cross section, weakly rugose, between lateral ribs and with 1(or 2) weakly prominent main rib(s) and several secondary ribs on either face. Pappus 6-9 mm, ± persistent. Fl. and fr. Jan-Oct. 2n = 18.Grasslands on mountain slopes, grasslands in forests, forest margins, thickets, beside fields, moist places or near water, wastelands on mountain slopes, gravelly areas by rivers; 300-2300 m. Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hainan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangsu, Ningxia, Shaanxi, Sichuan, Taiwan, Xinjiang, Xizang, Yunnan, Zhejiang [NE Afghanistan, Bhutan, India, Indonesia (Java), Kashmir, Laos, Malaysia (Peninsular), Myanmar, Nepal, N Pakistan, N Philippines (Luzon), Sri Lanka, N Thailand, N Vietnam].
Sonchus wightianus has frequently been misidentified with the habitually similar S. arvensis, which is chiefly restricted to Europe (but also introduced to North America) and a hybridogenous species, in which a tetraploid (2n = 36) S. arvensis subsp. uliginosus (M. Bieberstein) Nyman (with non-glandular capitula and peduncles) and a hexaploid (2n = 54) S. arvensis subsp. arvensis (with glandular capitula and peduncles) are distinguished. Sonchus arvensis is probably derived from hybridization, in which S. brachyotus and/or S. wightianus on the maternal side and S. maritimus and/or S. crassifolius Pourret ex Willdenow on the paternal side are involved (S. C. Kim et al., Molec. Phylogen. Evol. 44: 576-597. 2007). The diploid S. wightianus has adaxially often reddish marginal florets and does not, in contrast to S. arvensis and S. brachyotus, produce shoot-bearing roots. Also, in S. wightianus plants with non-glandular or glandular peduncles and capitula occur. The former have been distinguished as S. wightianus subsp. wallichianus and referred to in FRPS (80(1): 66. 1997) as S. uliginosus (= S. arvensis subsp. uliginosus), but they seem to be neither geographically nor ecologically separated. Absence of glandular indumentum is a variation not uncommon in Sonchus, as in the case of S. wightianus, and apparently is without systematic value. Sonchus lingianus, described from China, is a mere form of S. wightianus with spatulate to narrowly elliptic, undivided leaves.