
小苦荬Ixeridium dentatum (Thunb.) Tzvel.

小苦荬Ixeridium dentatum (Thunb.) Tzvel.


科名:菊科 Compositae

属名:小苦荬属 Ixeridium

  13.小苦荬 图版55: 2-3
  Ixeridium dentatum (Thunb.) Tzvel. in Fl. URSS 29: 392. 1964; Shih in Act. Phytotax. Sin. 31: 546. 1993. ——Prenanthes dentata Thunb. , Fl. Jap. 301. 1784.——Youngia dentata (Thunb. ) DC. Prodr. 7: 193. 1938. ——Ixeris thunbergii A. Gray in Mem. Amer. Acad. n. s. 6: 398. 1859. ——Lactuca thunbergii (A. Gray) Maxim. in Bull. Acad. Sci. St. Petersb. 19: 530. 1874 et in Met. Biol. 9: 361. 1874; S. Y. Hu in Quart. Journ. Taiwan Mus. 20: (1-2): 31. 1967. ——L. dentata (Thunb.) Robins. in Philipp. Journ. Sc. 3: 218. 1908; Chang in Contr. Biol. Lab. Sci. Soc. China 9: 128. 1934.——L. dentata (Thunb.) Makino in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 24: 75.1910; Ling in Contr. Inst. Bot. Nat. Acad. Peiping 3: 193. 1935. ——Ixeris dentate (Thunb.) Nakai, Fl. Sylv. Kor. 14: 114. 1923; Kitam. in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 49: 285. 1935 et in Mem. Coll. Sci. Univ. Kyoto Ser. B. 23: 116, 1956.
  分布江苏(宜兴)、浙江(杭州、遂昌、昌化)、福建(永泰、南靖、顺昌、福州)、安徽(休宁、渔亭)、江西(寻乌)、湖北(具体地点不详)、广东(饶平)。生于山坡、山坡林下、潮湿处或田边。海拔380-1 050米。俄罗斯远东地区、日本、朝鲜有分布。模式标本采自日本。
形态特征:多年生草本,高10一50厘米。根壮茎短缩,生多数等粗的细根。茎直立,单生,基 部直径1—3毫米,上部伞房花序状分枝或自基部分枝,全部茎枝无毛。基生叶长倒披针 形、长椭圆形、椭圆形,长1.5—15厘米,宽不足1厘米至1.5厘米,不分裂,顶端急 尖或钝,有小尖头,边缘全缘,但通常中下部边缘或仅基部边缘有稀疏的缘毛状或长尖 头状锯齿,基部渐狭成长或宽翼柄,翼柄长2.5—6厘米,极少羽状浅裂或深裂,如羽状 分裂,侧裂片l一3对,线状长三角形或偏斜三角形,通常集中在叶片的中下部;茎叶少 数,小于、等于或大于基生叶,披针形或长椭圆状披针形或倒披针形,不分裂,基部扩 大耳状抱茎,中部以下边缘或基部边缘有缘毛状锯齿;全部叶两面无毛。头状花序多数, 在茎枝顶端排成伞房状花序,花序梗细。总苞圆柱状,长7—8毫米。总苞片2层,外层 宽卵形,长1.5毫米,宽不足l毫米,内层长,长椭圆形,长7—8毫米,宽1毫米或不 足1毫米,顶端急尖。舌状小花5—7枚,黄色,少白色。瘦果纺锤形,长3毫米,宽o.6一 o.7毫米,稍压扁,褐色,有10条细肋或细脉,顶端渐狭成长1毫米的细喙,喙细丝状, 上部沿脉有微刺毛。冠毛麦秆黄色或黄褐色,长4毫米,微糙毛状。 花果期4—8月。
参考文献:Ixeridium dentatum(Thunb.)Tzvel.In F1.URSS 29:392. 1964;Shih in Act. Phytotax.Sin.31:546.1993.——Prenanthes dentata Thunb.,F1.Jap.301.1784.—— Youngia dentata(Thunb.)DC.Prodr.7:193.1938.——Ixeris thunbergii A.Gray in Mem.Amer。Acad.N.S.6:398.1859.——Lactuca thunbergii(A.Gray)Maxim. In Bull.Acad.Sci.St.P6tersb. 19:530. 1874 et in Md.Bi01. 9:361. 1874;S.Y. Hu in Quart.Journ.Taiwan Mus.20:(1—2):31.1967.——L.Dentata(Thunb.) Robins.In Philipp.Journ.Sc.3;218.1908;Chang in Contr.Bio1.Lab.Sci.Soc. China 9:128.1934.——L.Dentata(Thunb.)Makino in Bot.Mag.Tokyo 24:75. 1910;Ling in Contr.Inst.Bot.Nat.Acad.Peiping 3:193.1935.——Ixeris dentata (Thunh.)Nakai,F1.Sylv.Kor.14:114.1923;Kitam.In Bot.Mag.Tokyo 49: 285.1935 et in Mere.Coil.Sci.Univ.Kyoto Ser.B.23:116,1956.

《Flora of China》 Vol. 20-21 (2011)
Ixeridium dentatum  (Thunberg) Tzvelev Fl. URSS. 29: 392. 1964.
小苦荬   xiao ku mai
Prenanthes dentata Thunberg in Murray, Syst. Veg., ed. 14, 715. 1784; Ixeris dentata (Thunberg) Nakai; I. thunbergii A. Gray; Lactuca dentata (Thunberg) C. B. Robinson; L. thunbergii (A. Gray) Maximowicz; Youngia dentata (Thunberg) Candolle.
Herbs 20-50 cm tall, perennial. Rhizomes shortly oblique, with fibrous roots. Stems solitary or few, slender, erect, branched from base or higher up, glabrous, sparsely leafy. Basal leaves crowded, usually present at anthesis, narrowly oblanceolate, narrowly elliptic, or elliptic, 4-15 × 1-3 cm, undivided or pinnatipartite, base attenuate into a winged or unwinged petiole-like portion, margin entire or with slender or very fine teeth especially in basal half, apex acute to obtuse and mucronate; lateral lobes (if present) 1-3 pairs, on basal half of leaf, narrowly triangular. Stem leaves ± lanceolate, undivided, base usually expanded and amplexicaul or auriculately clasping, margin entire or with slender or very fine teeth especially in basal half. Synflorescence corymbiform, with some to many capitula. Capitula with 5-7[-11] florets; peduncle capillaceous. Involucre cylindric, 7-8 mm. Phyllaries abaxially glabrous; outer phyllaries broadly ovate, ca. 1.5 × 1 mm; inner phyllaries 5[-8], apex acute. Florets yellow [or rarely white]. Anther tube and style greenish to blackish upon drying. Achene brown, fusiform, 3-3.5 mm, apex attenuate into a slender ca. 1 mm beak. Pappus straw-colored, 4-5 mm. Fl. and fr. Apr-Aug. 2n = 14, 21, 28.
Forests on mountain slopes, moist places, fields; 300-1100 m. Anhui, Fujian, ?Guangdong, ?Hebei, ?Heilongjiang, Hubei, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, ?Jilin, ?Liaoning, Shandong, Zhejiang [Japan, Korea, E Russia].
Ixeridium dentatum forms a polyploid complex, and several subspecies have been described to classify the diversity within this complex (Pak & Kawano, Mem. Fac. Sci. Kyoto Univ., Ser. Biol. 15: 42-45. 1992; Yahara in Iwatsuki et al., Fl. Japan 3b: 18-19. 1995, under Ixeris). In China only Ixeridium dentatum subsp. dentatum occurs; its distributional range has not been fully established yet. It has sometimes been confused with I. laevigatum, which is, however, clearly distinguished from I. dentatum subsp. dentatum through the involucres with 8 (instead of 5) inner phyllaries, 8-11 (instead of 5-7) florets per capitulum, and never (instead of usually) clasping stem leaves.Ixeridium dentatum forms a polyploid complex, and several subspecies have been described to classify the diversity within this complex (Pak & Kawano, Mem. Fac. Sci. Kyoto Univ., Ser. Biol. 15: 42-45. 1992; Yahara in Iwatsuki et al., Fl. Japan 3b: 18-19. 1995, under Ixeris). In China only Ixeridium dentatum subsp. dentatum occurs; its distributional range has not been fully established yet. It has sometimes been confused with I. laevigatum, which is, however, clearly distinguished from I. dentatum subsp. dentatum through the involucres with 8 (instead of 5) inner phyllaries, 8-11 (instead of 5-7) florets per capitulum, and never (instead of usually) clasping stem leaves.