
日喀则蒿Artemisia xigazeensis Ling et Y. R. Ling

日喀则蒿Artemisia xigazeensis Ling et Y. R. Ling

科名:菊科 Compositae

属名:蒿属 Artemisia

  Artemisia xigazeensis Ling et Y. R. Ling in Act. Phytotax. Sin. 18(4): 511. 1980; 西藏植物志4: 792, 图347. 1985.——A. salsoloides auct., non W illd.: Hook. f. Fl, Brit. Ind. 3: 321. 1881. p. p. incl. var. salsoloides Hook. f. et var. paniculataHook. f, incl. syn. A. halimodendron Ledeb. ex Hook. f. nom. nud.; Pamp. in Nuov. Giorn. Bot. Ital. n. s. 34: 696一697. 1927, incl. var. salsoloides Hook. f. f. genuina Pamp., f. halodendron Pamp. p. p. et f. paniculata (Hook. f.) Pamp.; S. Y. Hu in Quart. Journ. Taiwan Mus. 18 (3-4): 256. 1965, quoad pl. Xizang, incl. f. halodendron Pamp, et f. paniculata Pamp. p. p.
  半灌木状草本或为小灌木状。主根粗而长,木质,直径0.5-0.7厘米;根状茎木质,粗短,有多条营养枝。茎多数,木质,高30-40厘米,紫褐色或茶褐色,有不明显的纵棱,分枝多,下部枝长5-10厘米;茎、枝、叶初时被灰白色微柔毛,后脱落。基生叶、茎下部叶与营养枝叶长圆形,长1.5-2.5厘米,宽1-1.5厘米,(一至)二回羽状全裂,每侧裂片4-5枚,两侧中部与基部裂片常再成羽状全裂或3全裂或不再分裂,裂片或小裂片狭线形或狭线状披针形,长0.3-1厘米,宽o.5毫米,开展,通常向叶基部弯曲,先端有硬尖头,叶柄长1-1.7厘米,基部常有小型的假托叶;中部叶长圆形,长1-1.5 厘米,宽0.7-1.3厘米,一至二回羽状全裂,每侧有裂片2-3枚,裂片狭线形或狭线状披针形,长3-7毫米,宽约0.5 毫米,叶柄长0.8-1.3厘米;上部叶3-5全裂;苞片叶3全裂或不分裂。头状花序卵球形或卵钟形,直径1.5-2.5毫米,有短梗或近无梗,在分枝上初时密集着生,后渐疏离,排成穗状花序式的总状花序或复总状花序,并在茎上组成狭窄的圆锥花序;总苞片3层,外层总苞片卵形或狭卵形,背面绿褐色,无毛,边缘膜质,中、内层总苞片卵形或椭圆形,无毛,边缘宽膜质;雌花5-8朵,花冠狭圆锥状,花柱长,伸出花冠外,先端2叉,叉端尖;两性花5-9朵,不孕育,花冠管状,雄蕊线形,先端附属物尖,长三角形,基部钝,花柱短,先端略膨大,2裂,不叉开。瘦果倒卵形。花果期7-10月。
  产甘肃、青海、西藏(东部);生于海拔2 700-4 600米的石质山坡、草地、路旁等。模式标本采自我国西藏日喀则。
参考文献:Artemisia xigazeensis Ling et Y.R.Ling in Act.Phytotax. Sin. 18(4):511. 1980:西藏植物志4:792,图347.1985.---A.Salsoloides auct·,non Willd·:Hook. F.F1.Brit.Ind.3:321.1881·p·p.Incl.var.Salsoloides Hook.F.Et var.Paniculata Hook.F.Incl.syn.A.Halimodendron Ledeb.Ex Hook.F.Dom.Hud.;Pamp·in Nuov.Giorn.Bot.Ital.N.S.34:696—697.1927,incl,var.Salsoloides Hook.F. F. Genuina Pamp·,f.Halodendron Pamp·p·p·et f·paniculata(Hook.F.)Pamp·:S. Y.Hu in Quart.Journ.Taiwan Mus.18(3—4):256.1965,quoad Pl.Xizang,incl. F.Halodendron Pamp.Et f·paniculata Pamp.P.P.

《Flora of China》 Vol. 20-21 (2011)
153. Artemisia xigazeensis Y. R. Ling & M. G. Gilbert, Fl. China. 20-21: 726. 2011.
日喀则蒿 ri ka ze hao Type: China. Xizang: N of Phari, 1882, Dr. King’s Collector 54 (holotype, K).Paratypes: China. Xizang: near Phari, 14,500 ft., Sep 1838, B. J. Gould 1621 (K); Dochen Lake Camp, ca. 15,000 ft., 24 Jun 1939, B. J. Gould 2194 (K); Valley ca. 10 km NNE of Lhasa, 4,150 m, 2 Aug 1989, B. Dickoré 3628 (K). Qinghai: E shore of Kokonor (Qinghai Hu), 10,700 ft., Sep 1925, J. F. Rock 13385 (K).Plantae suffruticosae; caules multi erecti vel ascendentes, ramis ascendentibus brevibus angustis; indumentum ex trichomatibus medifixis adpressis constans. Folia 1(ad 2)-pinnatisecta, segmentis 3- ad 5-jugatis asymmetrice 3(ad 5)-lobatis, lobulis ultimis oblanceolatis usque anguste oblongis interdum falcatis 4-7(-10) × 0.9-1.5 mm. Synflorescentia paniculata anguste cylindrica, ramis erectis brevibus. Involucrum ovoideum usque ovoideo-campanulatum 2.5-4 × 1.5-2.5 mm, phyllariis glabris, exterioribus costa crassiuscula. Flosculi marginales 5 ad 8, ei disci 5 ad 12 ovario vestigiali.
Plant subshrubby, 7-22 cm tall; rootstock a deep woody taproot to ca. 1 cm thick; stems becoming very many with age, erect or ascending, basally medifixed appressed pubescent, upper parts glabrescent; branches ascending, short, narrow. Basal and lower stem leaves usually withered by anthesis; pseudostipules absent; petiole 1-2.5 cm; leaf blade ± oblong to oblanceolate in outline, 1-2.5 × 0.6-1.5 cm, 1(-2)-pinnatisect, abaxially adpressed pubescent, adaxially glabrous or glabrescent; segments 3-5-paired, asymmetrically 3(-5)-lobed; ultimate lobules oblanceolate to narrowly oblong, sometimes falcate, 4-7(-10) × 0.9-1.5 mm, apex acute to slightly cuspidate. Middle and upper stem leaves similar but smaller and often pseudostipulate, these with 2 or 3 pairs of lobes. Synflorescence an erect or ascending narrowly cylindric panicle; branches erect, closely appressed to main axis, short, to 3.5 cm, lower bracts sessile, pinnatisect to subpalmatisect, uppermost bracts linear. Capitula separated, mostly erect; peduncle 1-6 mm, sparsely pubescent, usually bracteolate. Involucre ovoid to ovoid-campanulate, 2.5-4 × 1.5-2.5 mm; phyllaries ca. 3-seriate, glabrous, inner zone sometimes tinged purplish, scarious margin broad, hyaline; outer phyllaries broadly ovate, short, with slightly thickened midrib, apex rounded to subacute; inner phyllaries oblong-ovoid, apex acute, sometimes slightly recurved. Marginal florets 5-8; style long exserted. Disk florets 5-12; corolla ca. 2 mm, glabrous; ovary vestigial. Achenes dark brown, cylindric-ellipsoid, obscurely pale ribbed.● Rocky slopes, steppes, roadsides; 2700-4600 m. ?Gansu, Qinghai, E Xizang.
Y. Ling & Y. R. Ling (Acta Phytotax. Sin. 18: 511. 1980) published Artemisia xigazeensis as a "nom. nov." for A. salsoloides sensu J. D. Hooker (Fl. Brit. India 3: 321. 1881), not Willdenow (Sp. Pl. 3: 1832. 1803), explicitly including in synonymy both A. salsoloides var. salsoloides (as misapplied by Hooker, loc. cit.), A. salsoloides var. paniculata J. D. Hooker (loc. cit.), and A. salsoloides f. halodendron Pampanini (Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., n.s., 34: 697. 1927). This multiplicity of elements means that the replaced synonym was not clearly indicated, as is required by Art. 33.4 of the Vienna Code for valid publication of a replacement name. Artemisia xigazeensis was not instead validly published as the name of a new taxon because no type was indicated (Art. 37.1).The name Artemisia xigazeensis has been consistently applied to a distinctive small caespitose plant branching mostly very near ground level and with erect racemelike panicles. The present treatment excludes the syntypes of A. salsoloides var. paniculata, all of which have 1 to few stems branching mostly well above ground level and have relatively broad panicles, matching A. prattii rather well. In these circumstances, A. xigazeensis is here described as a new species.