
使君子Quisqualis indica Linn.

使君子Quisqualis indica Linn.

别名:Rangoon creeper;舀求子;四蜀使君子;四君子;水君木叶;史君子;郎姆活;君子仁;君子;郭砸满;病疳子;吏君子;索子果;杜蒺藜子;木朗牛;留球子;栽秧老;五棱子;水君子;山羊屎;木郎牛;冬君子;四刮波;西蜀使君子;留求子;水君叶;使群子;

科名:使君子科 Combretaceae

属名:使君子属 Quisqualis

  Quisqualis indica Linn. Sp. Pl. ed. 2, 1: 556. 1762; DC. Prodr. 3: 23. 1828; Forbes et Hemsl. in Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 23: 294. 1887; Exell in Sunyatsenia 1: 89. 1935; 赵爱真, 植物分类学报7: 238. 1958; O. Lecompte in Aubrev. Fl. Camb. Laos Vietn. 10: 26. 1969; 云南植物志1: 85. 1977——Q. sinensis Lindl. in dot. Reg. t. 15. 1844——Q. grandiflora Miq. in Journ. Bot. Neerl. 1: 119. 1861.
分    布:湖南、江西、福建、台湾、广东、
生    境:栽培
习    性:阳生

《Flora of China》 Vol. 13 (2007)
Quisqualis indica  Linnaeus
使君子   shi jun zi
Combretum indicum (Linnaeus) Jongkind; Kleinia quadricolor Crantz; Mekistus sinensis Loureiro ex B. A. Gomes; Ourouparia enormis Yamamoto; Quisqualis glabra N. L. Burman; Q. grandiflora Miquel; Q. indica var. oxypetala Kurz; Q. indica var. villosa (Roxburgh) C. B. Clarke; Q. longiflora C. Presl; Q. loureiroi G. Don; Q. obovata Schumacher & Thon ning; Q. pubescens N. L. Burman; Q. sinensis Lindley; Q. spinosa Blanco; Q. villosa Roxburgh.
Lianas to 8 m tall. Branchlets brownish yellow pubescent. Petiole 5-9 mm, without an inflated joint near base, densely brown pilose when young; leaf blade mostly oblong-elliptic or elliptic, 5-18 × 2.5-7 cm, abaxially sometimes brown pilose, adaxially glabrous except slightly brown pilose on midvein, finely white verruculose, rarely tomentose on both surfaces, base obtuse, apex acuminate to shortly caudate; lateral veins in 7 or 8 pairs. Inflorescences lax; bracts deciduous, filiform-linear to ovate, 3-12 mm, brown pilose. Flowers fragrant. Calyx tube 5-9 cm, yellow pilose; lobes deltoid, 2-3 mm, apex acute or shortly acuminate but not cuspidate. Petals opening white, later turning yellowish abaxially and reddish adaxially, obovate to oblanceolate, 10-24 × 4-10 mm, apex rounded to obtuse. Fruit red when young, greenish black or brown when ripe, fusiform or narrowly ovoid, sharply 5-ridged, 2.7-4 × 1.2-2.3 cm, glabrous, apex mucronate. Fl. Mar-Nov, fr. Jun-Nov.
Rain forests, low woods, thickets, hedges, mountains, dry hillsides, riversides, roadsides, wasteland, also cultivated; below 1500 m. Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hainan, Hunan, S Jiangxi, Sichuan, Taiwan, Yunnan; cultivated in Zhejiang [Bangladesh, Cambodia, India (including Andaman Islands), Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam; coastal E Africa, Indian Ocean islands, Pacific islands; introduced to other parts of tropical Africa and Central and South America; widely cultivated and often naturalized in the tropics].
This species is cultivated in China as an ornamental. The seeds are used medicinally to kill intestinal parasites.

Quisqualis indica is variable in its indumentum and in the shape and size of its bracts. Most Chinese specimens with bracts still attached have linear-lanceolate to filiform-linear bracts. In this respect, these plants correspond with Q. indica var. villosa , as defined by Lecompte (in Aubréville, Fl. Cambodge Laos Vietnam 10: 22-31. 1969), who described var. indica as having ovate to lanceolate bracts. In FRPS (53(1): 17. 1984), var. villosa was said to have ovate leaf blades, tomentose on both surfaces (vs. elliptic or ovate, abaxially sometimes brown pilose, and adaxially glabrous in var. indica).

Four specimens from Guangdong (Deqing, Guangzhou, Nanhai, and Xingning), at least three of which are from cultivated plants, have a shorter calyx tube, 3-5 cm, and smaller petals, 8-9 × 3-4.5 mm, than is normal for Quisqualis indica. It is possible that these belong to Q. indica var. pierrei (Gagnepain) O. Lecompte (Q. pierrei Gagnepain), described from S Vietnam, which differs from var. indica in having smaller flowers of about these dimensions and, strikingly, in having fruit with 5 broad, papery wings 1-1.5 cm wide. However, because the specimens lack fruit, this determination is only tentative.


【拼音名】 Shǐ Jūn Zǐ
【别名】 留球子
【来源】 本品为使君子科植物使君子Quisqualis indica L.的干燥成熟果实。秋季果皮变紫黑色时采收,除去杂质,干燥。
【性状】 本品呈椭圆形或卵圆形,具5条纵棱,偶有4~9棱,长2.5~4cm,直径约2cm。表面黑褐色至紫黑色,平滑,微具光泽。顶端狭尖,基部钝圆,有明显圆形的果梗痕。质坚硬,横切面多呈五角星形,棱角处壳较厚,中间呈类圆形空腔。种子长椭圆形或纺锤形,长约2cm,直径约1cm;表面棕褐色或黑褐色,有多数纵皱纹;种皮薄,易剥离;子叶2,黄白色,有油性,断面有裂纹。气微香,味微甜。
【炮制】 使君子:除去杂质。用时捣碎。
使君子仁:取净使君子 除去外壳。
炒使君子仁:取使君子仁,照清炒法(附录Ⅱ D)炒至有香气。
【性味】 甘,温。
【归经】 归脾、胃经。
【功能主治】 杀虫消积。用于蛔虫、蛲虫病,虫积腹痛,小儿疳积。
【用法用量】 使君子9~12g,捣碎入煎剂;使君子仁6~9g,多入丸散用或单用,作1~2次分服。
【注意】 服药时忌饮浓茶。
【贮藏】 置通风干燥处,防霉,防蛀。
【备注】 (1)大量服用能引起呃逆、眩晕、精神不振、恶心,甚至呕吐、腹泻等反应。与茶同服亦能引起呃逆。
【摘录】 《中国药典》