
夏蜡梅Calycanthus chinensis Cheng et S. Y. Chang

夏蜡梅Calycanthus chinensis Cheng et S. Y. Chang


科名:蜡梅科 Calycanthaceae

属名:夏蜡梅属 Calycanthus

  2.夏蜡梅(植物分类学报) 夏梅(林业科学);牡丹木、大叶柴、蜡木、黄梅花(浙江)图版2
  Calycanthus chinensis Cheng et S. Y. Chang,林业科学8(1): 2. 1963. ——Sinocalycanthus chanensis (Cheng et S. Y. Chang) Cheng et S. Y. Chang, 植物分类学报9: 135, 图9. 1964;中国高等植物图鉴1: 804,图1608. 1972.
  本种发表后,K. A. Nicely 于1965年在他的蜡梅科专著中(K. A. Nicely;A Monographic Study of the Calycanthaceae in Castanea 30: 62. 1965) 认为本种的建立是不合适的,其分类位置不清楚,但他没有作出处理。我们认为本种与北美几个种的比较是有区别的:本种的花被片白色,边缘微带紫红色,花无香气;叶缘有时呈不规则的细齿;幼枝近圆柱状,不是四方形等木同,成立为一个种完全是可以的,置于本属中也是合理的。
种拉丁名:Calycanthus chinensis Cheng et S. Y. Chang
海    拔:600-1000

【药 名】:夏蜡梅


【来 源】:为蜡梅科植物夏蜡梅的花和根。

【功 效】:行气止疼。

【主 治】:治胃脘气滞胀痛。



【别 名】:牡丹木、大叶柴


【拉丁名】:Sinocalycanthus chinensis(Cheng et S. Y. Chang) Cheng et S.Y.Chang

【考 证】:出自《浙江天目山药植志》。

《Flora of China》 Vol. 7 (2008)
Calycanthus chinensis  (W. C. Cheng & S. Y. Chang) W. C. Cheng & S. Y. Chang ex P. T. Li Fl. Reipubl. Popularis Sin. 30(2): 3. 1979.
夏蜡梅   xia la mei
Sinocalycanthus chinensis W. C. Cheng & S. Y. Chang, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 9: 135. 1964.
Shrubs 1-3 m tall, deciduous. Bark glaucous or grayish brown, with convex lenticels. Branchlets glabrous or puberulous when young; buds hidden by base of petiole. Petiole 1.2-1.8 cm, yellowish hispidulous, glabrescent; leaf blade broadly ovate-elliptic, ovate, or obovate, 11-26 × 8-16 cm, both surfaces shiny, abaxially brown hispidulous but glabrescent, adaxially scabrous and glabrous, base broadly cuneate and slightly asymmetric, margin entire or irregularly serrulate, apex acute. Flowers terminal, solitary, 4.5-7 cm in diam. Pedicel 2-4.5 cm; bracteoles 5-7, deciduous, scarred on pedicels after dropping. Tepals distinctly dimorphic; outer tepals 10-14, white flushed slightly pink toward margin, obovate to obovate-spatulate, 1.4-3.6 × 1.2-2.6 cm, apex rounded; inner tepals 7-16, pale yellow becoming white toward base, elliptic, erect, 11-17 × 9-13 mm, apex rounded and incurved. Stamens 16-19, ca. 8 mm; anthers pubescent; connective apex acute; staminodes 11 or 12, puberulous. Carpels 11 or 12, with silky hair. Pseudocarp campanulate, 3-4.5 × 1.5-3 cm, pubescent, apex slightly constricted, apical appendages 14-16 and lanceolate-conical. Achenes oblong, 10-12 × 5-8 mm, with silky trichomes. Fl. May, fr. Oct. 2n = 22*.
● Under trees near streams in mountainous areas; 600-1000 m. N Zhejiang (Lin’an, Tiantai).
The name Calycanthus chinensis was not validly published by W. C. Cheng and S. Y. Chang (Sci. Silvae Sin. 8(1). 1963) because they cited both a flowering and a fruiting type representing two gatherings (Vienna Code, Art. 37.2). When the same authors republished the species in Sinocalycanthus, they cited a single type, thus validly publishing a new species name in Sinocalycanthus rather than transferring it from Calycanthus to Sinocalycanthus. Subsequent Chinese authors used the name S. chinensis until P. T. Li published the species as C. chinensis in FRPS, thus transferring the species back to the genus in which it was originally proposed (although not validly published) by W. C. Cheng and S. Y. Chang.The name Calycanthus chinensis was not validly published by W. C. Cheng and S. Y. Chang (Sci. Silvae Sin. 8(1). 1963) because they cited both a flowering and a fruiting type representing two gatherings (Vienna Code, Art. 37.2). When the same authors republished the species in Sinocalycanthus, they cited a single type, thus validly publishing a new species name in Sinocalycanthus rather than transferring it from Calycanthus to Sinocalycanthus. Subsequent Chinese authors used the name S. chinensis until P. T. Li published the species as C. chinensis in FRPS, thus transferring the species back to the genus in which it was originally proposed (although not validly published) by W. C. Cheng and S. Y. Chang.


【出处】 《浙江天目山药植志》
【拼音名】 Xià Là Méi
【别名】 牡丹木、大叶柴
【来源】 为蜡梅科植物夏蜡梅
【原形态】 落叶灌木,高1~3米。树皮灰白色或灰褐色,皮孔隆起。叶对生,膜质,宽卵状椭圆形、圆形至倒卵形,长18~26厘米,宽11.5~16厘米,先端急尖或短尖,基部圆形,全缘或具不规则细锯齿,下面幼时沿脉被褐色硬毛。花单生于当年枝顶,无香气,花被片2型,多数,覆瓦状排列,螺旋状生于坛状花托的顶端,外部花被片12~14,呈花瓣状,白色,边淡紫红色,内部的花被片9~12,呈副冠状,肉质较厚,淡黄色,腹面基部散生淡紫红色细斑纹;雄蕊多数,花丝极短;雌蕊多数成束,子房生于凹陷的花托内。瘦果矩圆形,长1~1.3厘米,褐色,疏被白色绢毛。
【生境分布】 适宜较阴湿而带腐殖质的土壤。生于山坡灌丛及溪旁林丛中。分布浙江。
【功能主治】 治胃气痛。
【附方】 治胃气痛:夏蜡梅花或根四钱,白马骨(茜草科六月雪)、竖漆柴(金缕梅科檵木)根各三至四钱,寒扭(蔷薇科高梁泡)根四至五钱,仙鹤草二至三钱。水煎,冲红糖,每日早晚空腹各服一次。
【摘录】 《中国辞典》