
芥菜Brassica juncea (Linnaeus) Czernajew

芥菜Brassica juncea (Linnaeus) Czernajew

别名:brown mustard;芥菜型油菜;皱叶芥;哲日力格-钙母;菜芥;芥子;白芥;冲菜;大芥;大叶芥菜;多裂叶芥;芥;芥末;格其;芥菜子;白芥子;黄芥;皱叶芥菜;黄芥子;辣菜子;大芥菜;宽叶苦菜;叶用芥菜;钙母;大菜;油菜;霜不老;辣菜;麻菜;青菜;青菜子;雪里红;嗅芥;雪里蕻;野油菜;油芥菜;辣芥;

科名:十字花科 Brassicaceae

属名:芸薹属 Brassica

  13. 芥菜(通称) 芥(名医别录)
  Brassica juncea (L.) Czern. et Coss. in Czern. Conspect. Fl. Chark. 8. 1859; Hook. f. et Thoms. in Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 5: 170. 1861; Maxim. Fl. Tang. 64. 1889 et Enum. Pl. Mong. 66. 1889; Kom. in Acta Hort. Petrop. 22: 356. 1903; N. Busch, Fl. Sib. et Orienta. Extr. 2: 178. f. et tab. geogr. 178. 1915; O. E. Schulz in Engl., Pflanzenr. 70(4. 105): 55. 1919; Sinskaja in Kom. Fl. URSS 8: 465. 1939; T. Y. Cheo in Bot. Bull. Acad. Sinic. 2(3): 181. 1948; Lauener. in Not. Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinb. 26: 334. 1965; 广州植物志 114. 1956; 中国高等植物图鉴 2: 32. 图1794. 1972; Jafri, Fl. West Pakist. 55: 25. t. l. f. 2. 1973; 秦岭植物志 1(2): 398. 1974; 湖北植物志 2: 38. 图731. 1979; 东北草本植物志 4: 45. 图版24. 1980. ——Sinapis juncea L. Sp. Pl. 668. 1753. ——B. juncea Coss. in Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. 6: 609. 1859; L. H. Bailey in Gent. Herb. 1: 91. f. 38. 1922 et 2: 258. f. 141. 1930; Hand.-Mazz., Symb. Sin. 7: 369. 1931.

《Flora of China》 Vol. 8 (2001)
Brassica juncea  (Linnaeus) Czernajew
芥菜   jie cai
Herbs annual, (20-)30-100(-180) cm tall, pubescent or rarely glabrous, glaucous or not, sometimes with fleshy taproots. Stems erect, branched above. Basal and lowermost cauline leaves long petiolate; petiole (1-)2-8(-15) cm; leaf blade ovate, oblong, or lanceolate in outline, (4-)6-30(-80) × 1.5-15(-28) cm, lyrate-pinnatifid or pinnatisect; terminal lobe ovate, repand, dentate, or incised; lateral lobes 1-3 on each side of midvein, much smaller than terminal lobe, crisped incised, dentate, repand, or entire. Upper cauline leaves petiolate or subsessile, oblanceolate, oblong, lanceolate, or linear, to 10 × 5 cm, base cuneate to attenuate, margin entire or repand, rarely dentate. Fruiting pedicels straight, divaricate, (0.5-)0.8-1.5(-2) cm. Sepals oblong, (3.5-)4-6(-7) × 1-1.7 mm, spreading. Petals yellow, (6.5-)8-11(-13) × 5-7.5 mm, ovate or obovate, apex rounded or emarginate; claw 3-6 mm. Filaments 4-7 mm; anthers oblong, 1.5-2 mm. Fruit linear, (2-)3-5(-6) cm × 3-4(-5) mm, terete or slightly 4-angled, sessile, divaricate or ascending; valvular segment (1.5-)2-4.5 cm, 6-15(-20)-seeded per locule; valves with a prominent midvein, slightly torulose; terminal segment conical, (4-)5-10(-15) mm, seedless; style often obsolete. Seeds dark to light brown or gray, globose, 1-1.7 mm in diam., minutely reticulate. Fl. Mar-Jun, fr. Apr-Jul. 2n = 36*.
Fields, waste places, roadsides. Cultivated throughout China, sometimes naturalized especially in SW China [widely cultivated and naturalized elsewhere].
Variation in the basal leaf morphology of Brassica juncea is tremendous, and minor variants have been recognized at specific, subspecific, and varietal ranks. All these "taxa" have 2n = 36, and they can be readily crossed and produce fully fertile offspring. Seven varieties and three species were recognized in FRPS. Of these, only three major types are recognized here as varieties. Brassica juncea var. megarrhiza and B. napiformis represent one taxon (var. napiformis), while B. juncea var. tumida is quite distinct in leaf morphology. Both varieties are recognized here. The other varieties, which are based solely on the type of leaf margin, are reduced to the synonymy of var. juncea. These include var. gracilis (margin doubly serrate or incised), var. multisecta (margin with linear or filiform lobes), var. foliosa (margin sinuate-dentate), var. crispifolia (margin sharply dentate or incised), and var. multiceps (margin unlobed, slightly incised, or irregularly doubly serrate). Brassica integrifolia was described from European plants of B. juncea that became naturalized in St. Croix, an island in the Caribbean Sea. It is said to differ from B. juncea in having undivided leaves and smaller fruit, but these alleged differences are unrealistic, and B. integrifolia does not merit any taxonomic status.


【出处】 《千金·食治》
【拼音名】 Jiè Cài
【别名】 芥(《仪礼》),大芥(《方言》),雪里蕻(《野菜笺》),皱叶芥(《纲目》),黄芥(《中药志》)。
【来源】 为十字花科植物芥莱嫩茎叶
【原形态】 一年生或二年生草本。高30~100厘米。茎直立,多分枝,幼枝被微毛,老枝光滑,有时微被白粉。基生叶大,呈琴状分裂,先端裂片特别长大,两侧裂片甚小;茎上部的叶不分裂,披针形至线形。总状花序多数,聚成圆锥状;花萼4,绿色;花瓣4,略向外展,呈十字形,鲜黄色;雄蕊6,4强;子房长圆形。长角果光滑无毛,无明显的嚎。花期4~6月。果期5~8月。
【生境分布】 全国各地均有栽培。
【性味】 辛,温。
【归经】 ①《得配本草》:"入手太阴经。"
【功能主治】 宣肺豁痰,温中利气。治寒饮内盛,咳嗽痰滞,胸膈满闷。
【用法用量】 内服:煎汤或捣汁。外用:烧存性研末撒或煎水洗。
【注意】 凡疮疡、目疾、痔疮、便血及平素热盛之患者忌食。
【附方】 ①治牙龈肿烂,出臭水者:芥菜杆,烧存性,研末,频敷之。(《纲目》)
【摘录】 《中国辞典》