
对开蕨Phyllitis scolopendrium (L.) Newm.

对开蕨Phyllitis scolopendrium (L.) Newm.


科名:铁角蕨科 Aspleniaceae

属名:对开蕨属 Phyllitis

  1. 对开蕨 日本对开蕨、东北对开蕨 图版20: 7-8
  Phyllitis scolopendrium (L.) Newm. Hist. Brit. Ferns ed. 2. 10. 1844. Ogata, Icon, Fil. Jap. 1: pl. 37. 1928; Ohwi, Fl. Jap. Pterid. 141. 1957; Tagawa, Col. Illustr. Jap. Pterid. 153, pl. 65. f. 349, 1959; S. H. Wu in Guihaia 9 (4): 292. 1989; B. D. Liu et al. in Bull. Bot. Res 11 (2): 96. 1991. ——Asplenium scolopendrium L. Sp. Pl. 2: 1079. 1753; Nakaike, New Fl. Jap. Pterid. 622, f. 622. 1982. ——Scolopendrium vulgare Sm. in Mem. Acad. Truin 5: 421. 1793. ——Phyllitis japonica Kom. in Bull. Jard. Bot. Acad. Sci. URSS 30: 191, 192. 1932: C. J. Chien in Acta Phytotax. Sinica 18 (4): 482, f. 1. 1980.
  植株高约60厘米。根状茎短而直立或斜升,粗壮,和叶柄基部密被鳞片;鳞片线状披针形或披针形,长8-11毫米,基部宽约1毫米,浅棕色,扭曲,膜质,长渐尖头,全缘或略有具间隔的刺状突起。叶 (3-) 5-8枚簇生;叶柄长10-20厘米,下部粗2.5-3毫米,棕色至褐棕色,自下部向上疏被鳞片;叶片舌状披针形,长15-45厘米,先端短渐尖,中部宽3.5-4.5 (-6) 厘米,向下略变狭,基部心脏形,两侧明显扩大成圆耳状,彼此以阔缺口分开,边缘全缘而略呈波状,具软骨质。主脉粗壮,暗禾秆色,下面隆起,圆形,上面有浅纵沟,下部疏被与叶柄上同样但较小的鳞片,向上近光滑;侧脉纤细,斜展,单一或自下部二叉,通直,平行,下面仅可见,上面明显,略隆起,先端水囊纺缍形,不达叶边。叶鲜时稍呈肉质,干后薄革质,棕绿色,上面光滑,下面疏被贴伏的变形虫形或狭披针形的棕色小鳞片,干后在侧脉之间有明显的洼点。孢子囊群粗线形,通常长1.5-2.5厘米,斜展,相距3-5毫米,靠近或略离主脉向外行,距离叶缘5-8毫米,着生于相邻两小脉的一侧;囊群盖线形,深棕色,膜质,全缘,向侧脉相对开,宿存。染色体2n=72, 144。
  产吉林(长白、集安、抚松)。成片生长于落叶混交林下的腐殖质层中,海拔700-1 000米。也分布于俄罗斯(远东地区)、日本、朝鲜、北美及欧洲(西南部与中部)。

《Flora of China》 Vol. 2-3 (2013)
Asplenium komarovii  Akasawa Bull. Kochi Women?s Univ., Ser. Nat. Sci. 10: 26. 1962.
对开蕨   dui kai jue
Phyllitis japonica Komarov, Izv. Bot. Sada Akad. Nauk SSSR 30: 192. 1932; Asplenium scolopendrium Linnaeus subsp. japonicum (Komarov) Rasbach, Reichstein & Viane.
Plants up to ca. 60 cm tall. Rhizome erect or ascending; scales brown, thin, narrowly triangular to triangular, entire. Fronds caespitose; stipe brown, 10-20 cm, with sparse scales; lamina narrowly oblong, 15-45 × 3.5-4.5(-6) cm, leathery, base cordate, margin entire or slightly sinuate, apex acute. Midrib (rachis) distinct, brown basally and becoming green toward apex, raised and rounded on both sides, with small scales at base; lateral veins obscure, anadromous but running straight and almost parallel. Frond green and fleshy when fresh, after drying leathery and brownish green, abaxially subglabrous. Sori linear, usually 7-25 mm, on neighboring veinlets and opposite; indusia brown, linear, entire, opening toward each other (scolopendrioid), persistent. Spores with lophate (alate) perispore, average exospore length 31-35 μm. Plants sexual tetraploid: 2n = 144.
Terrestrial; 700-1000(-2600 in Taiwan) m. Jilin (Changbai, Fusong, Ji’an), Taiwan [Japan, Korea, SE Russia; North America].
Due to the peculiar frond shape and double sori facing each other, both Asplenium komarovii and A. scolopendrium were often placed in the former satellite genus Phyllitis. Modern studies confirm that it deserves no recognition. The group consists of two species: a diploid ancestral taxon (2n = 72) essentially in Europe and an autotetraploid in North America (including Mexico) and NE Asia (Mitui, J. Jap. Bot. 41: 60-64. 1966; Sci. Rep. Tokyo Kyoiku Daigaku, B, 13: 285-333. 1968).Asplenium komarovii originated by chromosome doubling in diploid A. scolopendrium; in local floras it is usually mentioned under this latter name. In the absence of a chromosome count or flow cytometric data, it can best be distinguished from its ancestor by its larger mean exospore length (more than 31 μm).