
巢蕨Neottopteris nidus (L.) J. Sm.

巢蕨Neottopteris nidus (L.) J. Sm.


科名:铁角蕨科 Aspleniaceae

属名:巢蕨属 Neottopteris

  5. 巢蕨 山苏花;台湾山苏花(台湾植物志)图版23: 4-6
  Neottopteris nidus (L.) J. Sm. in Journ. Bot. 3: 409. 1841; Hook. Gen. Fil. t. 113 B. 1842; Ching in Bull. Fan Mem. Inst. Biol. Bot. Ser. 10: 7. 1940; H. Ito in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 53: 24. 1939 et Fil. Jap. Illustr. t. 147. 1944;中国主要植物图说 (蕨类植物门), 97, f. 121. 1957; Ching et al. in Fl. Hainanica 1: 107, f. 50. 1964; Edie, Ferns Hong Kong 174, f. 89. 1977. ——Asplenium nidus L. Sp. pl. 2: 1079. 1753; Mett. Farngat. Aspl. n. 1. 1859; Hook. et Bak. Syn. Fil. 190. 1874; Clarke in Trans. Linn. Soc. 2, Bot. 1: 475. 1880, pro parte; Diels in Engl. u. Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. 1 (4): 233. 1899; C. Chr. Ind. Fil. 123. 1905; Groff, Ding & Groff in Lingnan Agr. Rev. 1: 37. 1923; Merr, in Lingnan Sci. Journ. 5: 14. 1927; Tard. -Blot, Aspl. du Tonkin in Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Toulouse 26, pl. 49, f. 10. 1932; Y. C. Wu in Bull. Dept. Biol. Sun Yatsen Univ. No. 3. 170, pl. 76. 1932; Tanaka & Odashima in Journ. Soc. Trop. Agr. 10: 361. 1938; Tard. -Blot et C. Chr. in Fl. Indo-Chine 7 (2): 219. 1939; Masamune, Fl. Kainanensis 7. 1943; Holtt. Fl. Mal. 2. Ferns Mal. 419. 1954; Tagawa, Col. Illustr. Jap. Pterid. 147, pl. 61, f. 325. 1959; Cop. Fern Fl. Philip. 3: 450. 1960; DeVol et C. M. Kuo in Fl. Taiwan 1: 485, pl. 169, f. 2. 1975; W. C. Shieh et al. in T. C. Huang, Fl. Taiwan, sec. ed. 1: 457. 1994. ——Thamnopteris nidus Presl, Epim. Bot. 68, 1849; Bedd. Handb. Ferns Brit. Ind. 137. 1883. ——Neottopteris rigida Fee, Gen. Fil. 203. 1852; Nakai in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 47: 176. 1933, pro parte.
  植株高1-1.2米。根状茎直立,粗短,木质,粗2-3厘米,深棕色,先端密被鳞片;鳞片蓬松,线形,长1-1.7厘米,先端纤维状并卷曲,边缘有几条卷曲的长纤毛,膜质,深棕色,有光泽。叶簇生;柄长约5厘米,粗5-7毫米,浅禾秆色,木质,干后下面为半圆形隆起,上面有阔纵沟,表面平滑而不皱缩,两侧无翅,基部密被线形棕色鳞片,向上光滑;叶片阔披针形,长90-120厘米,渐尖头或尖头,中部最宽处为(8-) 9-15厘米,向下逐渐变狭而长下延,叶边全缘并有软骨质的狭边,干后反卷。主脉下面几全部隆起为半圆形,上面下部有阔纵沟,向上部稍隆起,表面平滑不皱缩光滑,暗禾秆色;小脉两面均稍隆起,斜展,分叉或单一,平行,相距约1毫米。叶厚纸质或薄革质,干后灰绿色,两面均无毛。孢子囊群线形,长3-5厘米,生于小脉的上侧,自小脉基部外行约达1/2,彼此接近,叶片下部通常不育;囊群盖线形,浅棕色,厚膜质,全缘,宿存。
  产台湾、广东(珠江口沿海岛屿、惠阳、阳春)、海南(儋县、琼中、白沙、保亭,崖县)、广西(瑶山、龙津、那坡)、贵州(安龙)、云南(河口、金平、思茅、西双版纳(勐海、景洪)、澜沧、昌宁、绿春、福贡、永德、盈江、贡山)、西藏。成大丛附生于雨林中树干上或岩石上,海拔100-1 900米。也分布于斯里兰卡、印度、缅甸、柬埔寨、越南、日本(琉球)、菲律宾、马来西亚、印度尼西亚、大洋洲热带地区及东非洲。模式标本产地:爪哇。本种在栽培状态下,其根状茎有时不盘集成鸟巢状。
种拉丁名:Neottopteris nidus (L.) J. Sm.

【药 名】:巢蕨


【来 源】:为蕨类植物药铁角蕨科植物巢蕨的全草。

【功 效】:强壮筋骨、活血祛瘀。

【主 治】:用于跌打损伤、骨折、血瘀、头痛、血淋、阳萎、淋病。



【别 名】:山苏花、七星剑(广西)、雀巢蕨、铁蚂蝗、尖刀如意散(云南)、老鹰七(贵州)


【拉丁名】:巢蕨 Neottopteris nidus (L.)J.Smith

【考 证】:始载于《中国主要植物图说蕨类植物门》。

《Flora of China》 Vol. 2-3 (2013)
Asplenium nidus  Linnaeus Sp. Pl. 2: 1079. 1753.
巢蕨   chao jue
Asplenium neohainanense Viane; Neottopteris hainanensis Ching; N. nidus (Linnaeus) J. Smith ex Hooker; N. rigida Fée; N. salwinensis Ching; N. vulgaris J. Smith, nom. illeg. superfl.; Thamnopteris nidus (Linnaeus) C. Presl.
Plants 1-1.2 m tall. Rhizome erect, thick and short, woody, apex scaly; scales dark to purplish brown, narrowly triangular to linear-subulate, margin ciliate to fimbriate. Fronds caespitose; stipe pale brown, up to 5 cm, woody, when dry semiterete abaxially, base densely scaly; lamina lanceolate, 90-120 × (8-) 9-15 cm, gradually decurrent on stipe, base cuneate, margin entire, apex acute to acuminate. Midrib raised and semiterete on upper adaxial side but flat abaxially, subglabrous, grayish to pale brown; veinlets simple or forked, parallel and connected at their apex to marginal vein. Fronds papery or thinly leathery, when dry grayish green, glabrous. Sori linear, 3-5 cm, on acroscopic side of veinlets, running from near their base up to 1/2 of their length; basal part of lamina usually sterile; indusia brownish, linear, thickly membranous, entire, persistent. Spores with lophate (costate to cristate) perispore. Plants sexual tetraploid: 2n = 144.
Clustered on tree trunks or rocks in rain forests; 100-1900 m. ?Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hainan, Taiwan, Xizang, Yunnan [Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Vietnam; tropical regions of E Africa and Australia, Pacific islands (Polynesia)].
Asplenium setoi N. Murakami & Serizawa, recently described from Japan, might be present at low elevations in China (Taiwan); typical specimens can be distinguished from A. nidus by their keeled to boat-shaped midrib. Another species regularly confused with both A. setoi and A. nidus is the often cultivated A. australasicum (J. Smith) Hooker, a South Pacific taxon.Asplenium nidus is accepted here in a broad sense and constitutes a species complex (e.g., Murakami et al. in M. Kato, Biol. Biodivers. 53-66. 1999; Yatabe et al., Amer. J. Bot. 88: 1517-1522. 2001). The variability of its frond and perispore morphology (e.g., Wei & Dong, Nordic J. Bot. 30: 90-103. 2012), as well as other phenetic characters, is not well studied in relation to its molecular diversity.Based on their particular venation pattern, taxa resembling Asplenium nidus have been recognized as a separate section (A. sect. Thamnopteris Hooker & Baker), a subgenus (A. subg. Thamnopteris C. Presl), or as a genus of its own (Neottopteris J. Smith; syn. Thamnopteris (C. Presl) C. Presl). Plants are often epiphytes with large simple fronds growing in a close spiral and forming the typical bird’s nest. Veins departing from the midrib (rachis) fork anadromously, run almost parallel and straight to the margin where they connect to a common submarginal vein. However, recent molecular studies do not support the separation of this group as a separate genus. The clade consists of 15-30 species, and modern research shows that more taxa may await description. A critical revision of the group is urgently needed. Members occur mainly in rain forests of tropical Asia and the Pacific. A few taxa are widely cultivated as house plants and sold as “bird’s-nest fern.” Many plants in commerce belong to A. australasicum, which can be distinguished from true A. nidus by its abaxially dark brown carinate midrib.