
地耳蕨Quercifilix zeylanica (Houtt.) Cop.

地耳蕨Quercifilix zeylanica (Houtt.) Cop.


科名:叉蕨科 Aspidiaceae

属名:地耳蕨属 Quercifilix

  1.地耳蕨 (中国蕨类植物图谱) 图版17: 1-4
  Quercifilix zeylanica (Houtt.) Cop. in Philip. Journ. Sci. 37: 409. 1928 et in Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 16: 67. 1929 et Gen. Fil. 132. 1947; C. Chr. Ind. Fil. Suppl. 3: 169. 1934; Ching, Icon. Fil. Sin. 3: Pl. 118. 1935; Tard. -Blot et C. Chr. in Lecomte, Not. Syst. 7: 97. 1938 et in Fl. Indo-Chine 7 (2): 440. f. 48. 1941; Holtt. Fl. Mal. 2: 528. f. 310. 1954; 傅书遐, 中国主要植物图说 (蕨类植物门) 204, f. 274. 1957; Ching et al. in Chun et al. Fl. Hainan. 1: 161, f. 72. 1964: Icon. Corm. Sin. 1: 247, f. 493. 1972; DeVol et C. M. Kuo in H. L. Li et al. Fl. Taiwan 1: 338, Pl. 120. 1975: Fl. Fujian. 1: 220 1982. ——Ophioglossum zeylanicum Houtt. in Nat. Hist. 14: 43. 1783 et in Pfl. Syst. 13: 47, t. 94, f. 1. 1786. ——Leptochilus zeylanicus C. Chr. Ind. Fil. 388. 1908; Merr. in Lingnan Sci. Journ. 5: 11. 1927: Ogata, Icon. Fil. Jap. 1: Pl. 32. 1928. ——Acros-tichum quercifolium Retz. in Olbs. Bot. 6: 39. 1791; Hook. Icon. Pl. t. 905. 1854; Fil. Exot. t. 80. 1858: Sp. Fil. 5: 279. 1864; Syn. Fil. 418. 1867; Dunn &Tutch. in Kew Bull. Misc. lnf. Add. Ser. 10: 255. 1912. ——Gymnopteris quer-cifolia Bernh. in Schrad. Journ. Bot. 1806 (1): 20. 1807; Presl, Tent. Pterid. 244. 1836; Bedd. Ferns S. Ind. t. 47. 1863 et Handb. Ferns Brit. Ind. 403. 1883; J. Sm. Hist. Fil. 138. 1875; Christ, Farnkr. d. Erde 49. 1897; Diels in Engl. uPrantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. 1 (4): 200. 1899.
  植株高10-20厘米。根状茎长,横走,纤细,粗2-3毫米,密被鳞片;鳞片披针形,长约3毫米,先端纤维状,边缘有疏睫毛,膜质,褐棕色并稍有光泽。叶疏生,相距5-10毫米;不育叶叶柄长3-5厘米,纤细,基部粗仅约1.5毫米,暗禾秆色,上面有浅沟,基部密被鳞片,向上部密被有关节的开展的淡棕色长毛;能育叶叶柄长10-18厘米,下部疏被鳞片,向上几光滑无毛;叶二型: 不育叶三角椭圆形,长6-9厘米,基部宽2.5-3.5厘米,先端钝圆,基部戟状并为心形,两侧边缘有波状的圆裂片,或为浅波状至近全缘,通常基部有一对分离的羽片,羽片对生,平展,有短柄,三角形,长1-2.5厘米,基部宽1-2厘米,先端钝圆,基部圆截形至浅心形,基部两侧有钝圆的耳状裂片,边缘浅波状至近全缘;能育叶强度缩狭,羽片三叉,顶生羽片线形,长5-7厘米,基部宽2-3毫米,柄长约1厘米,先端钝,基部楔形,上部边缘浅波状,下部羽状浅裂形成几对远离的钝圆裂片,侧生羽片对生,斜向上,有短柄,线形,长1-2厘米,宽2-3毫米,先端钝,基部下侧有一较短的分叉,边缘浅波状。叶脉联结成近六角形网眼,有分叉或单一的内藏小脉或无内藏小脉,两面均不明显;羽轴及侧脉暗禾秆色,上面光滑,下面密被有关节的淡棕色长毛。叶纸质,干后褐色,上面疏被早落的有关节的淡棕色毛,下面几光滑,叶缘密被有关节的淡棕色长睫毛。孢子囊汇合成线形,成熟时满布于能育叶下面, 无囊群盖。染色体2n=80。
  产台湾 (乌来) 、福建 (龙岩) 、广东 (南海、西樵山、广州, 白云山、高要、 鼎湖山、博罗、罗浮山、宝安) 、海南 (儋县、沙煲山、老道山、乐东、尖峰岭、昌江、 佳切山) 、广西 (龙州、田林、百色) 、贵州 (册亨) 、云南 (西双版纳、佛海、思茅、河口、广南)。生林下或溪旁疏阴潮湿的地上或岩石上,海拔300-1000米。也分布于印度南部、斯里兰卡、越南、马来西亚、印度尼西亚、毛里求斯和波利尼西亚等热带地区。模式标本产地:斯里兰卡。
种拉丁名:Quercifilix zeylanica (Houtt.) Cop.

【药 名】:地耳蕨


【来 源】:为三文蕨科植物地耳蕨的全草。

【功 效】:清热解毒 、活血止血。

【主 治】:用于治疗痢疾、小儿稀便、便血。



【别 名】:干肚药(《广西睦边》),散血草(《贵州罗甸》)


【拉丁名】:Quercifilix zeylanica ( Houtl ) Copel- Ophioglossumzeylanica Houtl

【考 证】:始载于《中国蕨类植物图谱》。

《Flora of China》 Vol. 2-3 (2013)
Tectaria zeilanica  (Houttuyn) Sledge Kew Bull. 27: 422. 1972.
地耳蕨   di er jue
Ophioglossum zeilanicum Houttuyn, Nat. Hist. 14: 43. 1783; Acrostichum quercifolium Retzius; Gymnopteris quercifolia (Retzius) Bernhardi; Leptochilus zeilanicus (Houttuyn) C. Christensen; Quercifilix zeilanica (Houttuyn) Copeland.
Plants terrestrial, 10-20 cm tall. Rhizome ascending to long creeping, slender, 2-3 mm in diam., densely scaly; scales brown, glossy, lanceolate, ca. 3 mm, membranous, margins ciliate, apices fibriform. Fronds distant, interval 5-10 mm, obviously dimorphic; sterile fronds usually in rosette, not erect; stipe dark stramineous, 3-8 cm, slender, ca. 1.5 mm in diam. at base, grooved above, densely scaly at base; densely hairy throughout with long brown articulate hairs. Lamina green, triangular-ovate, 6-9 × 2.5-3.5 cm, herbaceous, hairy abaxially and along margins, base cordate to hastate, apex obtuse, undulate, trifoliate to pinnatifid, usually with 1 pair of separate pinnae; rachises and costae stramineous, hairy; costae and main veins stramineous, glabrous adaxially, hairy abaxially; lateral pinnae opposite, applanate, subsessile or shortly stalked, triangular, 1-2.5 × 1-2 cm, bases rounded cuneate to subcordate, asymmetrical, apices rounded, margins subentire or slightly undulate, sometimes bearing auricles basiscopically at base; terminal pinna oblong, base broadly cuneate, apex rounded, lobed at margins to 1/3 toward costa, lobes rounded-subdeltoid, entire. Fertile fronds erect; stipe slender, 20-25 cm, very sparsely scaly or glabrescent; lamina trifoliate, very contracted; terminal pinna linear, 50-70 × 2-3 mm, stalk ca. 1 cm, base cuneate, apex obtuse, margins undulate or lobed; lateral pinnae opposite, oblique, shortly stalked, linear, 10-20 × 2-3 mm, bases bearing short lobe basiscopically, apices obtuse, margins undulate. Veins anastomosing, forming copious areoles, with or without included veinlets, these simple or forked. Sori orbicular, anastomosing in line, throughout abaxial surface when mature, exindusiate.
On muddy rocks in forests, near streams, on steep banks; 100-1000 m. Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hainan, Taiwan, Yunnan [S India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam; Indian Ocean islands (Mauritius), Pacific islands (Polynesia)].
The unusual spelling “zeilanica” is published as such and is to be maintained. It should not be corrected into the more common “zeylanica” or “ceylanica.” Tectaria zeilanica was previously most commonly treated as the separate monotypic genus Quercifilix, but molecular evidence shows that this genus is embedded within the greater Tectaria clade. The species is easily recognized by its small size, its coarsely crenate sterile leaves (that somewhat resemble those of Quercus, hence the name), and its trifoliate, strongly contracted fertile leaves, with anastomosing sori that cover the entire lower side of the lamina when mature.