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  生物多样性是人类社会可持续发展的重要资源,保护生物多样性就是保护人类社会的未来。此值,《生物多样性公约》第十五次缔约方大会(COP15)将于2020年10月19日至31日在云南昆明召开之际,黄宏文研究员、孙航研究员和周浙昆研究员将在“Plant Diversity”出版题为:“保护生物多样性就是保护我们的未来”(Safeguarding our future by protecting biodiversity)的专辑,以期展示植物多样性保护的最新研究成果,科学谋划有效保护生物多样性的措施和策略,积极参与“2020后全球生物多样性保护框架”编制进程,特向全球同行征稿,专辑接受包括植物多样性保护的综述、研究论文、展望等类型的文稿,拟于2020年8月出版发行,截稿日期为2020年3月31日。 


  投稿网址: http://www.keaipublishing.com/en/journals/plant-diversity 


  林娜娜(linnana@mail.kib.ac.cn ) 


  Tel: 0871-65223032 

  The 15th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP15) will be held in Kunming, China, from 19-31 October 2020. To promote recent research on protecting plant diversity, effective measures and strategies for biodiversity protection, and preparations for the “post-2020 global biodiversity protection framework,” Profs. Huang Hongwen, Sun Hang and Zhou Zhekun will organize a special issue “Safeguarding our future by protecting biodiversity” and will publish in the journal Plant Diversity.  

  We invite researchers from around the globe to submit papers now. The special issue will accept reviews, research papers, and perspectives on the subject of protecting plant diversity. This issue will be published in August 2020. Deadlines for submission are March 31, 2020. 


  Submission website: http://www.keaipublishing.com/en/journals/plant-diversity 

  Contact: Lin Nana(linnana@mail.kib.ac.cn ) 

  Zhang Jianwen(zhangjianwen@mail.kib.ac.cn) 

  Tel: +86-871-65223032