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Journal of Cell Science:植物减数分裂同源染色体重组机制研究新进展



研究发现,ZIP4和MER3作为结构完全不同的蛋白,虽然参与到同一交叉结形成途径中,所发挥的功能却存在明显差异。ZIP4是MER3在染色体上定位所必需的,而后者对前者的染色体定位却没有依赖性,说明在功能上ZIP4位于MER3的上游。该研究结果已于3月5日在Journal of Cell Science在线发表。

The Role of ZIP4 in Homologous Chromosome Synapsis and Crossover Formation in Rice Meiosis

Yi Shen, Ding Tang, Kejian Wang, Mo Wang, Jian Huang, Weixiong Luo, Qiong Luo, Lilan Hong, Ming Li and Zhukuan Cheng

In budding yeast, the ZMM complex is closely associated with class I crossovers and synaptonemal complex (SC) formation. However, the relationship among the ZMM genes remains unclear in most higher eukaryotes. Here, we identify the rice ZIP4 homolog, a member of the ZMM gene, and explore its relationship with two other characterized ZMM genes, MER3 and ZEP1. Our results show that in the rice zip4 mutant the chiasma frequency is greatly reduced, although synapsis proceeds with only mild defects. Immunocytological analyses of wild type reveal that ZIP4 presents as punctuate foci and co-localizes with MER3 in prophase I meiocytes. Additionally, ZIP4 is essential for the loading of MER3 onto chromosomes, but not vice versa. Double mutant analyses show that zip4 mer3 displays a greater decrease in the mean number of chiasmata than either of the zip4 or mer3 single mutants, suggesting that ZIP4 and MER3 work cooperatively to promote CO formation but the contributions of them are not completely identical in rice. Although zep1 alone gives an increased chiasma number, both zip4 zep1 and mer3 zep1 show an even more reduced chiasma number than the zip4 or mer3 single mutants. These results imply that the normal functions of ZIP4 and MER3 may be required for the regulation of COs by ZEP1.