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  From ucalgary.ca
  The Venus Flytrap is the best- known of the carnivorous1) plants. It grows in a circular2) cluster3) which is about 15cm across when fully developed. Each leaf in the cluster can grow up to 7 or 8cm in length. At the end of each leaf is a deadly trap for insects!
  The trap is green on the outside and a bright red color inside with a sweet-tasting liquid which attracts insects. Two wing-like lobes4) create the shape of the trap. The lobes are joined together at one end and open at the other with stiff, long bristles5) along the outer edge. Inside each lobe there are 3 or 4 short trigger6) hairs. These hairs activate7) the trap to snap shut. The trap does not close every time a trigger hair is touched, because a lot of energy would be used up this way. A trigger hair must be touched more than once or two trigger hairs must be touched at the same time. This is how the trap knows to snap8) on a moving insect and not on a raindrop which only touches a trigger hair once.
  When the insect touches these hairs it sends an electric impulse9) throughout the leaf. This electric impulse causes the leafs cells to expand like balloons and this sudden expansion forces the trap to close. If the trap closes on a piece of grass, it later opens in one day because the trap can not digest10) the grass.
  When the trap closes on an insect it releases digestive juices. The digestive juices flow out of the leaf and dissolve11) the insects body into smaller pieces. The lobes of the leaf stay closed from 8 to 10 days. The digested insect pieces are dissolved into a liquid soup and absorbed by the leaf as nutrients12). After that, the trap opens with only an insect skeleton remaining and the wind will blow it away. The Venus Flytrap is again ready for another insect meal.
  Almost any insect can be a meal for the Venus Flytrap, such as ants, butterflies, bees and moths. Large insects like grasshoppers13) may be strong enough to force their way out of the trap. But if not, the trap may have trouble closing because the insect is too big.
  The Venus Flytrap grows taller in the spring, than after any meal. A 30cm-long stem14) bearing white flowers grows straight up towards the sky during the spring time. The white flowers have seeds which the wind scatters15) in different areas and then new Venus Flytrap plants grow.
  1. carnivorous [kB:5nIvErEs] adj. 食肉类的
  2. circular [5sE:kjulE] adj. 圆形的
  3. cluster [5klQstE] n. 一束;一簇
  4. lobe [lEub] n. [植]圆裂片
  5. bristle [5brIsl] n. 短而硬的毛
  6. trigger [5trI^E] n. 触发器
  7. activate [5AktIveIt] vt. 刺激,使活动
  8. snap [snAp] v. 猛地咬住
  9. electric impulse:电脉冲
  10. digest [daI5dVest] vi. 消化
  11. dissolve [dI5zClv] v. 溶解,解散
  12. nutrient [5nju:trIEnt] n. 营养物
  13. grasshopper [5^rB:7shRpE(r)] n. 蚱蜢
  14. stem [stem] n. 茎,干
  15. scatter [5skAtE] v. 分散,撒开